The 15th of Sha'ban - everything you need to know about this blessed night
The relevance and mercies of 15th of Sha'ban...
It is a subject of debate amongst Muslims, ifShab-e-barat is in fact a practice from the sunnah or is it more of a cultural thing. Whilst there are conflicting views on the issue; Shab-e-Baratcertainly is a significant night in the Islamic calendar. Whether you choose to celebrate the night with special prayers and fast the following day, or you choose to not celebrate it—either way the 15thof Sha'ban is a relevant day for Muslims.
Read on as we list some important quotes by the Prophet (saw) that state exactly how relevant 15th of Sha'ban is and how you can make the most of it...
When is 15th Sha'ban 2025?
13th February 2025 is the English date that will mark 15th of Sha'ban 2025, also referred to as Laylat al-Bara'ah, Laylat an-Nisf min Sha'ban, and/orShab-e-Barat.
Whatare the mercies of 15th Sha'ban?Howcan you make the most of this blessed night?
Allah (swt) forgives His servants on the night of 15th Sha'ban:
Whilst there is no hadith about Shab-e-baratparticularly; thereare quotes by The Prophet (saw) in various scriptures that mention the importance of seeking Allah's forgiveness and mercy in the month of Sha'ban.
The Prophet (saw) has described the extent of Allah's forgiveness in Sha'ban and on this night in numerous narrations.
- The Prophet (saw) said, “Allah gazes at His creation on the fifteenth night of Sha'ban and then forgives all His slaves except for two types of people: those who attribute partners to Allah and those who have rancour for their fellow Muslims.” [Ahmad]
- Aishah (RA) also narrated that the Prophet (saw) once remained in Sajdah for so long during this night that she became scared, and touched his foot to make sure he was still alive. He (saw) moved his foot and she heard him reciting the following du'a:
Allaahumma ‘innee ‘a'oothubiridhaaka min sakhatika, wabimu'aafaatika min ‘uqoobatika, wa ‘a'oothubikaminka, laa ‘uhseethanaa'an ‘alayka, ‘Anta kamaa ‘athnayta ‘alaanafsika
O Allah, I seek refuge with Your Pleasure from Your anger. I seek refuge in Your forgiveness from Your punishment. I seek refuge in You from You. I cannot count Your praises, You are as You have praised Yourself
It is narrated that the Prophet (saw) used to recite the above dua during Sujood and after Witr prayer. It being recited on 15th Sha'ban is considered acceptable by scholars.
- The Prophet (saw) also said to Aishah (ra) about Sha'ban;“Allah descends on the night of the middle of Sha'ban to the lowest heaven, and He forgives more than the numbers of hairs on the sheep of Banu Kalb (an Arab tribe renowned for their great flocks of sheep).” [Ibn Majah and others]
- TheProphet (saw) said that on this night, from sunset until dawn, Allah asks His servants, “Is there anyone seeking forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive him? Is there anyone seeking provision from Me so I may provide for him? Is there anyone suffering so I may relieve his suffering?” [Ibn Majah]
Therefore, it is only fair that we as believers make du'a for Allah's mercy and forgiveness during this entire month and particularly on the 15th night of Sha'ban. This is a good time to performvoluntary prayers, toincrease our dhikr, and askAllah for his forgiveness, provision and relief from suffering.
Is it permissible to fast on 15th Sha'ban?
There is hardly any mention in hadith or The Holy Qu'ranregarding specifically fasting on the 15th day of Sha'ban. However, it is from the Sunnah to increase our voluntary prayers and to fast the Bright Days (the 13th, 14th and 15th) of every month anyway. So, we can always use this as an opportunity to seek Allah's mercy.
What are the prescribed prayers for this night?
Again, there is no real mention of prescribed prayers for this night. However, the Prophet (saw) always encouraged performing voluntary and nafl prayers and making du'a at night, particularly during the last third of the night.
When is shaban 2025, 15th of shaban 2025, 15th shaban English date, when is shaban 2025, seeking Allah's mercy, Shab-e-barat