Widows & Elderly

Current global poverty statistics are only set to triple by 2050 so we need to take proactive action right now.

At present, there are thousands of forgotten and vulnerable senior members of society in developing countries facing isolation and poverty. Many of these people have little or no access to even the most basic needs such as food, warm clothing or shelter.

With life expectancy increasing each year, the global Health Organisation estimates that a staggering 200 million senior citizens are struggling in developing countries as it stands.

Whoever does not show mercy to our young ones, or acknowledge the rights of our elders, is not one of us.
[Musnad Imam Ahmad]

At The Raza Foundation, we believe in valuing and cherishing our elders be it family or not. They are the real reason why we are here today. With Widows & Elderly Program, you too can join us in our bid to change these statistics and deliver the assistance required and support our elders needs. Keeping in mind, age often comes with a number of health problems too, and sufficient medical care is of extreme importance.

So many of our elders dedicate their entire lives to raising the young, nurturing and supporting their children and ultimately, being the foundation of the family. Having then reached a stage in life where they should be entitled to reap the rewards of their efforts with dignity intact, it is unjust that they should be left to silently fend for themselves with little or no support from family or community.

Support the Elderly with The Raza Foundation
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Support for One Year


Fulfil the basic needs of an Elderly person or a Widow for a year

Widow & Elderly Fund


Make a one-off donation to support our Widows & Elderly

Ongoing Support


Give them hope, month in, month out! Make a regular monthly donation


How we are helping

From just £15 a month, you can help to better an elderly person’s life and give them hope for their future. Your gift will go towards providing food, housing expenses, travel expenses, health services and social activities.

We can work together and respect the dignity of our older people; we needed them when we were young so let’s look after them in their times of need.

"…As little as £15 a month enables our teams to provide food, shelter, healthcare or home maintenance to the elderly in the poorest areas of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir…."





Let’s work together to respect the dignity of our elders today; we needed them in years gone by in order to get where we are today, so let’s look after them in their years ahead.